Sunday, May 16, 2010

Niagara Falls...meh

I got to go to a wedding in Niagara Falls, NY last week. Now I'm not saying it wasn't beautiful or impressive or fun...I just don't think I'll ever go back. One in five buildings are boarded up and falling down. There is only about 2 places to eat and they are ridiculously expensive. I will say, we didn't go to the Canada side (not everyone had passports) so I know that it is a little better over there and therefore I can't make a complete judgment. Nonetheless, it was nice to see a national landmark and go to a cute little wedding of Dan's long time friend.

I will say this: Niagara Falls is amazingly spectacularly awesome compared to Buffalo...

After 4 days in NY we drove back to PA and decided to go to an abandoned house right next to the hospital Dan's dad works at. It is on some really beautiful land with an awesome old barn and a cute little pond. No one seems to know why it's abandoned though. Of course, the barn is highly occupied by about 200 barn swallows that fly out at your face when you get too close...

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