Sunday, May 24, 2009


I have forced my friends and family to go to the Fort Worth Main Street Arts Festival with me since I found out about it when I was 16. I love the fact that hundreds of artists, local and foreign, are all trying to sell their art, good and bad, to the people of Fort Worth.

We like art, us Fort Worthians.

And not pictures of windmills and oil rigs, no sir. We want art that makes us look un-Texan. Stuff with pretty colors and weird shapes. The more cookyness involved, the higher the possibility it will be bought by us locals trying our best to be less stereotypical than our neighbor Billy Bob.

Possibly the oddest picture I've ever taken... brudder JT

This guy was pouring his heart out through his guitar and absolutely no one was paying attention

Friday, May 22, 2009

Watching Cleopatra Do Ballet

I randomly decided that I wanted to go see a performance at Bass Hall in downtown on Friday and so I bought the tickets for the first thing showing. It just so happened to be Cleopatra performed by the TBT which is awesome because I got to see actual ballerinas perform, not just my class.

Oh and I saw cows on the way to pick up Tara...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Botanical Garden Attempts

My mom was talking about how expensive getting my step-brother's Senior pictures was going to be and how ridiculous it was to pay someone so much money to take just a couple pictures that looked so cheesy and fake.

So I offered my services.

And of course I couldn't help but take a few other pictures here and there...

My brother looks like Sasquatch coming out from behind a bush...

The inside of a completely hollowed out pecan tree

Oh and later that night Tara and I went to the movies haha...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fake HDR

It's been over a month.....

I got home and granny had found a robin's nest. I set up my tripod, took 4 pictures at different exposures (manually) and then ran it through photomatix.

Worked pretty well, I think.