Monday, March 2, 2009

Granny's Backyard Glory

The other night, I decided to sleep with my window open because my room smelled like acrylic paints and super glue. When ten o'clock rolled around, my eyes fluttered open to a breeze on my cheek and the sound of birds chirping happily at the unusual warm was heaven. As I lay there, soaking in the warmth, the inspiration hit me to go out for my first shoot in Texas with my own camera. It's the strangest feeling trying to find beauty in what was once the most mesmerizing place of your childhood. My Granny's backyard was where pirate ships were sailed, fortresses were established, and the game of chase was never tiring. Here I was, twenty years old, looking at the yard from an entirely new perspective. Memories rushing in my head representing the past, signs of change and decay in front of my eyes representing the present, and new pictures on my camera representing the future. What a great way to start the day.

Fred the frog.
My cousins and I used to sit on him.

Me in my window.

Grandad's leeks that will not die even though Granny has mowed over them dozens of times...

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