Why? No clue.
But at least it's got some ok scenery and an amazing view of the stars at night. And he's happy, which is all I'm worried about for the moment. Oh and getting all the crap from one house to the next. Oh and spending my weekends sitting outside trying to sell said crap. Oh and making sure he doesn't go broke buying golf carts and solar power.
No worries, ya?

If you look closely you can see his bird feeding tray that he set up so he can watch the bagillion cardinals, blue jays, scissor tails, and finches that fly around at sunset.

He has this random fencing going throughout his property.
There's no real reason for it seeing as it blocks nothing off...

His "pond" for the aforementioned birds to bathe in. Of course he made it himself. And of course there will be seven more cascading down the hillside. Because it's my dad.